
7 Apps To Help Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation

There are a multitude of ways we manage our stress and anxiety levels on a daily basis. For many, relief is attributed to a variety of outdoor exercises. Yoga is known to help with โ€œexaggerated stress responsesโ€ alongside team sports and other physical activities. Talk-therapy and psychiatry are common as well, with a combination of these tactics effectively reducing our overwhelming feelings. For the busybodies and workaholics, taking hours out of the day to deal with stress might be too time-consuming. With this frequent problem, tactics online for dealing with unresolved anxiety have risen to popularity. Guided meditations and virtual journaling are now extremely accessible with the availability of smartphones. With a little direction, you can quickly transform your anxious feelings with these downloadable apps.


One of the most confusing parts of feeling overwhelming anxiety is the random bombardment of unnecessary thought. When these thoughts become too rampant, Moodpath is a great tool to organize and process those feelings without the help of a therapist.

Moodpath offers simple questions revolving around your emotional state to begin cataloging your anxiety. It begins with questions about your sleep, performance, inner frustrations, and temperament. Alongside the initial questioning, the app will also ask you about your general feelings: confident, enthusiastic, happy, empty, to name a few. With a calendar and journal feature in the app, youโ€™ll be able to log your interiority every day and start to understand your stress and its causes.

Learn more about Moodpath at


If journaling is one of your main tools for decompressing, then this app will make your relief even easier. With Daylio, you will be able to set reminders, create goals, and track your mood for a holistic writing experience.

In this journaling application, your entries donโ€™t have to be lengthy or laborious. Daylio uses a combination of emoji expressions and activity selections to create a visual writing experience. You can add your own activities during the day and write how each event made you feel, creating a sequential moodboard. Youโ€™ll also be able to create your own distinguishable icons to identify each of your activities and journal entries. If getting back into journaling during quarantine has been difficult, Daylio will make the transition a whole lot simpler.

Learn more about Daylio at


Meditating has become one of the most popular ways to relieve our minds in quarantine. It doesnโ€™t require much except for a place to sit. Headspace provides guided meditation for all kinds of purposes, allowing you to meditate wherever you are in the world.

For different relationships, moods, or tribulations, Headspace has options for most common predicaments. With the packs that the app provides, you can choose from a variety of meditations tailored to your feelings. For those dealing with grief and regret to those of us who simply need a confidence boost, the possibilities are almost endless. Updating consistently with new meditations, Headspace is definitely the best app for controlling stress through at-home mindfulness.

Learn more about Headspace at


For those of us who need to fight the itch of anxiety by exercising, Runkeeper will wonderfully assist you. Giving runners an incentive to get out into the fresh air, this app includes many features to make exercising more intentional.

Runkeeper works to aid our stress-relieving activities, with features that track your own goals and improvement. Whether itโ€™s walking, biking, or even snowboarding, you can track your mileage and set limits for yourself in whatever sport you choose. If youโ€™re practicing in a marathon, there are all types of schedules you can use to help meet your goals. With the scheduling side handled, youโ€™ll spend more time outdoors successfully flushing out the stress of your workweek.

Learn more about Runkeeper at


Sometimes, you might need a mindless distraction to keep the anxiety at bay. Instead of cataloging and delving into the cause of your stress, a playful game can also help calm your stimulated mind. Viridi is an app revolving around growing plants that facilitates a serene world for the user.

While seemingly pointless, a need for distraction makes Viridi a key app for stress relief. Tranquil, ephemeral music flows as you plant each succulent. The pot, rotating slowly in a soft pink landscape, holds the array of plants you must attend to. With simple, menial tasks at its basis, Viridi provides a pleasant experience to divert the mind from chaos. For anyone who finds gardening a peaceful experience, this app is definitely worth checking out.

Learn more about Viridi at


The top-rated app of 2017, Calm is a meditation and sleep stories app that offers many functions for stress and anxiety relief.

One of the most widely used features in Calm is the breathing exercises. With the ability to pick from one minute to infinity, the screen appears with instructions for breathing in and breathing out. The circle on the screen expands and collapses, imitating our own lungs as we inhale and exhale. Seems simple, right? It might appear cumbersome, but concentrated breathing is one of Calmโ€™s most helpful tactics to mitigate an anxiety attack.

Alongside the breathwork, Calm has meditation and calming music choices for restful thinking and better sleep. The mental fitness option comes with instructions on how to meditate with personal instructors. For sleep, there are countless playlists and mixes from rain sounds to light ambient music. If tunes are too chaotic, thereโ€™s also a plethora of sleep stories that will surely aid in your rest.

Learn more about Calm at


For regaining focus, an app like Splashy can help center your mind. Itโ€™s a game with a simple task, but ultimately rewarding for those of us who need a diversion from our anxieties.

Splashy is a game that requires fierce concentration. All you need to do is tap the ball on the screen, move it from platform to platform, and get it to the finish line. With a feasible objective, this game can be a triumphant distraction from all outside stresses. Youโ€™ll have a great time with this recreational app, concentrating too vigilantly to remember your daily frustrations.

Learn more about Splashy at

Leaving the house to get therapeutic treatment is a method of the past. Now with calming, downloadable apps, relieving anxiety can be easy and free. Whether itโ€™s gaming, organizing, or meditating, everyone has a different practice for eliminating stress. Hopefully, this list will provide a few great options to manage your day to day life and improve your relaxation.