
AI Is Here: Top Cool AI-Powered Apps & Websites You Can Use Now

Alongside physical devices, AI technology has been utilized for websites, software, and applications. Here are some of the coolest, innovative apps and websites that use automated tech.ย 

Artificial intelligence is now a part of our world. Self-driving cars and smart homes are being manufactured nationwide, making automated devices a reality for consumers. Alongside physical devices, AI technology has been utilized for websites, software, and applications. Here are some of the coolest, innovative apps and websites that use automated tech.ย 


Craiyon, formally known as Dall-e Mini, is one of the most well-known AI-powered websites on the internet. When it was first released, it took social media platforms by storm, issuing the start of this yearโ€™s artificial technology takeover.ย 

Craiyon is a basic AI image generator. A user can type in whatever comes to mind into the search function, and new images will appear in seconds. These images are AI depictions of the user text responses, utilizing high-grade Google TRC tech. Though the pictures created arenโ€™t always perfect, Craiyon showcases what AI technology can produce and the potential for these services to grow.ย 

ELSA Speak

Language-learning software has been advancing since its creation. From Rosetta Stone to Duolingo, there have been tremendous upgrades in learning languages more efficiently. Now, ELSA Speak provides an AI-supported experience to further usersโ€™ multilingualism.ย 

The app uses an artificial speaking coach to guide the user through various lessons. With the help of voice recognition technology, the application will be able to analyze your accent and see how well your pronunciation is. Elsa SPEAKS uses an innovative color-coded system of red, yellow, and green to show the speaker how close their pronounced words are to the correct version. ELSA Speak only offers English lessons currently but will hopefully expand its roster in the future.ย ย ย 


AI is being implemented in various industries to provide better customer support. Hopper focuses on the travel industry to estimate accurate hotel and flight costs ahead of time.ย 

Using artificial technology, Hopper can predict hotel and airline prices up to a year before a personโ€™s trip. The app takes a userโ€™s flight information and releases relevant content about travel flares, the time when costs could fluctuate during the year, and more economical flight dates. The predictive analysis that Hopper uses is unlike any travel sight, having the ability to anticipate travel cost inflation years in advance.ย 

Socraticย ย ย 

Itโ€™s about time that AI started being used in the educational sector. Socratic is a new education app that uses artificial services to help kids with homework.ย 

Socratic is like having a personal, robot tutor for any kid struggling with their classes. With the app, kids can take photos of their homework and upload them to the app. Then, Socratic will generate concepts, tools, and examples of the assignment to aid the child in finding the answers. The app uses text and speech recognition to provide comprehensive help in science, math, history, geography, and more.ย 

Thing Translator

AIโ€™s most useful nature in modern society is its ability to recognize and interpret images. With Thing Translator, this website can take a photo of an object, process the image, and provide the user with the objectโ€™s name in various languages.ย 

With Thing Translator, understanding different languages is easier than ever. Especially if youโ€™re in a foreign country and need a quick translation, this website can take any object in your vicinity, identify the object present, and provide you with the correct linguistic interpretation.ย 

Thing Translator is a Google-powered experiment and works on computers and smartphones. The website canโ€™t translate every language yet, but the most popular worldwide languages are available.ย 

AI is being employed in more websites and apps than people genuinely realize. With text and speech recognition in such an advanced position, companies are increasingly investing in this technology for better fast-paced, predictive services.ย ย ย