
What is Midjourney AI Art Generator and How to Use it

Artificial intelligence has had a noticeable rise over the past decade. Particularly this year, AI has been responsible for unfathomable automation and creation, from product recommendations to crafting original movie scripts. One particular type of generator, known as an art generator, has gained massive attention alongside its text-based counterparts.ย ย 

An AI art generator takes words youโ€™ve inputted and creates an original image from those descriptions. The algorithm instantly utilizes images attached to those keywords to produce a brand-new portrait in seconds. Though there are a few art generators at your disposal, Midjourney is one of the most successful. Here is how Midjourney works and how to use the platform efficiently.ย 

What is Midjourney?ย ย ย ย 

Simply put, Midjourney is a template for AI art. The software easily converts written text into never-before-seen imagery, similar to image generators like DALL-E or Stable Diffusion. The pictures Midjourney crafts are high quality and mind-blowing, from outputting completely new alien worlds or even celebrity portraits. Unfortunately, Midjourney only allows users a couple of free trials before needing payment for a subscription.ย 

To use the generator, you must download Discord, an online chat for intentional communities. After downloading the application and joining the Midjourney group, you can input your prompts to create original AI imagery.ย 

After inserting your keywords, Midjourney will release four different images using the same prompts. Youโ€™ll be able to pick the resolution and which image most closely aligns with your vision. After selecting your image, Midjourney will generate four new images that similarly resemble the first one, vying for the best composite that fits your vision. You can also click a โ€œredoโ€ button if the AI generator creates images that donโ€™t align with your fantasy. After ten images, youโ€™ll have to pay for continual use of Midjourney, but ten free photos are enough to test out the softwareโ€™s power and ingenuity.ย 

How Does it Work?

Though Midjourney mainly operates on closed-source technologies, the public knows a few certain facts regarding this generatorโ€™s operation.ย 

Midjourney utilizes two large models that help craft these virtual images.ย  These machine learning technologies are called large language and diffusion models. Language models are imperative for AI generators like Midjourney to interpret substantial text prompts. The keywords are then transformed into vectors, which are numerical sequences that align with each given word. After that, the vector is sent to the next model, known as diffusion.ย 

A diffusion model is a recent technology that uses vectors to create visual โ€œnoise.โ€ In AI, noise is a pattern of dots or pixels that relate to the inputted numeric sequence. Diffusion technology can reverse these noise patterns, which ultimately creates a new, original picture in a process called โ€œdenoising.โ€ In this deceptively simplistic two-step process, Midjourney can transform random dots into individual designs in just a few seconds.ย 

How Do You Use Midjourney Effectively?ย 

There are a few simple ways to interact with Midjourney to get effective results. The easiest is using Discord and directly interacting with the AI generator bot. In Discord, you should insert your text prompt in the most straightforward, descriptive order to get your preferred image.ย 

For instance, a user can write a sentence like โ€œa portrait of a man with a cowboy hatโ€ and submit that to the Midjourney bot. You also can type less formally, writing individual words with commas separating them, like โ€œman standing, cowboy hat.โ€ Since youโ€™re working with AI, the more details you give the generator, the better your image will turn out.ย 

Adding the type of picture youโ€™re looking for also aids in effective art creation. A text prompt that tells the generator that the render needs to be a drawing, a portrait, a painting, etc., can help narrow down the preferred aesthetic of the new image.ย 

AI generators are easily accessible around the internet and can create almost anything from scripts and essays to high-resolution fantasy worlds. If youโ€™re interested in crafting original pieces through the power of online intelligence, look into Midjourney for astonishing renders and creations.ย