
5 Smart Home Trends for 2022

2022 is another year of incredible innovation and unique technology. With Elon Muskโ€™s consistent launching of satellites to fuel-efficient cars, nothing is too complex for modern manufacturers.ย 

While space travel is excellent, what technologies in 2022 will improve our day-to-day life? Here are some of the best smart home trends you need to know this year.

Sensorsย ย 

Motion sensors are a definite trend in homes nationwide. Sensors like the ones from Ecobee are small and maneuverable, perfect for any surface in your home.ย 

Ecobeeโ€™s SmartSensors operate in a plethora of ways for optimal comfortability and safety. The product can detect when youโ€™re in the room, triggering your thermostat to turn on the heat. In the case of a break-in, the SmartSensors is compatible with Ecobeeโ€™s Smart System to notify you of an unwanted presence.ย 

These tiny objects are the way of the future, and sensors are becoming more ubiquitous in the average household.

Smart Toiletsย 

These days, everyone wants the most out of their gadgets. But, many donโ€™t assume that toilets would be the appliance needing an upgrade. Totoโ€™s Wellness Toilet is undoubtedly a trend of the future, designed to provide health management advice based on your bowel movements.ย 

Though this specific type of toilet is not on the market, Toto has hinted at its release in the coming year. The toilet would be able to scan your body and poop to assess what changes you need in your diet. These notifications would pop up on a phone app, giving you details about your food intake while documenting your bowel improvements.ย 

You can check out more about Totoโ€™s futuristic toilets here:ย 

Ring Always Home Cam

Set to release sometime this year, Ring Always Home Cam is equipped with a drone designed to roam and protect your household.ย 

The Ring Always Home Cam has object-avoidant sensors, a 1080p camera, and a sleek, black finish. The drone will be able to fly around your house while avoiding valuable objects and walls. The footage it picks up with its camera will be available on the Ring app, providing homeowners with a 360-degree live stream at any time. You can also set the droneโ€™s runtime, forcing it to return to its charging port upon completion.ย ย ย 

More information is available about Ring products on the website:

Artificial Intelligenceย 

If you watch any sci-fi movie, youโ€™ll know that robots are the most prominent indication of an advanced society. Vocal refrigerators and appliances that track your whereabouts are now standard amenities, and we can only expect home AI to become more and more complex.ย 

Many expect a rise in smart kitchen and bathroom products to hit the market this year. Even appliances like bathroom mirrors have changed to interact with its homeowners.ย 

The Eschelon Smart Mirror is an excellent example of this; this smart mirror has the power to project live workouts on its HD screen, and itโ€™ll give you direct feedback on your performance. Who knew mirrors could act as complete, interactive TVs in 2022?ย 

Home Integrationย 

As technology excels, homeowners and renters expect elevated products and appliances. Many developers and realtors are changing what they install inside homes based on modern expectations.ย 

A huge trend for 2022 is having a home equipped with a smart system, like Amazonโ€™s Alexa. With a central system, homeowners can control their space and ensure every room is taken care of.ย 

By installing smart systems that interact with each other, like smart sensors and water monitors, devices can take care of potential issues without a physical human present.ย 

In 2022, homes will be more advanced than we ever couldโ€™ve imagined. Drone surveillance, AI, and interactive mirrors are trends that will continue to elevate throughout the next few years. Smart homes are becoming less of a futuristic phenomenon and more of an expectation for families nationwide.